• Telephone

    (210) 344-3472
  • Office Hours

    8:00am - 4:00pm
  • Our Address

    222 Salem Dr, San Antonio, TX 78201

Discovery School is committed to providing a holistic education that teaches to the whole child and incorporates all forms of intelligence. All students attend Music, Spanish, and Motor Skills classes once a week. Older students attend Science Lab twice a month, and all age groups work in the garden several times a month.


Children innately love music. During Music class, children learn simple folk melodies, seasonal favorites or songs related to their unit of study. They are exposed to live and recorded music, diverse musical genres, incorporate musical props and play rhythm or percussion instruments. Students learn to distinguish beat, pitch, timbre, rhythm and tone through music and movement. Older classes explore basic music theory, musical vocabulary, and musical notation. Several times a year, we take music outside, paint to music, or invite a musical guest. A Drum Circle using authentic djembe drums is also incorporated into our First Grade Music curriculum.


Children are introduced to Spanish words, phrases, songs, and customs with the use of puppets, pictures, props, art, cooking and musical activities. Instruction is primarily in Spanish, and children hear the flow of language through conversation, reading books, and learning simple songs and poems. Younger age groups participate in interactive games and guided instruction, with the emphasis on simple vocabulary, words, and phrases. Older age groups begin studying the alphabet, sentence structure and punctuation. Our families’ Hispanic traditions from around the world are incorporated into seasonal topics.


Children love to move, and they love Motor Skills! Motor Skills class challenges children to develop balance, upper body strength, eye-hand coordination, bilateral movement, vestibular awareness, crossing the midline and gaining large muscle control. Aerobics, Yoga, cooperative games, and locomotive activities are incorporated as well as introducing specific skills such as shooting a basket, kicking a ball, moving a puck, or throw and catch. The children use balance beams, balls, ladders, steppingstones, scooter boards and hoops. Music, shapes, colors, letters, and numbers are also combined with the topics of study and paired with movement activities.


Children enrolled in 5day 4s, Kindergarten and First Grade attend Science Lab twice a month. Topics of study are enhanced with scientific experiments, projects, and explorations. Meaningful learning connections are formed by integrating hands-on activities with scientific concepts. Students are introduced to gravity, states of matter, echolocation, polymers, and the light spectrum. Mixing unforgettable concoctions, following scientific procedures, performing trials, and comparing outcomes introduce elements of chemistry, physics, biology, and anatomy.