• Telephone

    (210) 344-3472
  • Office Hours

    8:00am - 4:00pm
  • Our Address

    222 Salem Dr, San Antonio, TX 78201

Pre-Kindergarten Program Overview

The Four-Year-Old curriculum capitalizes on the children’s interest in exploring the world around them, their growing awareness of print, burgeoning language skills and blossoming self-confidence. Unit studies are combined with a Letter Study and a Folk or Fairy Tale. Throughout the room, children interact with materials and activities that reinforce the theme or letter and target specific literacy and math skills. Learning centers are designed to engage all 5 senses, and specific activities can be adapted to challenge or support individual needs.

Literacy skills are a crucial component of the curriculum. Teachers use the Handwriting Without Tears approach, grouping letters that are structurally similar (i.e, T, I, L, H, E), stressing correct formation, pencil grip and proper mechanics. Children move from large muscle experiences (tracing the letter in the air or on a whiteboard) to the fine motor skill of holding a pencil or writing on a line. Children are exposed to rhyming words, making letter/sound associations, initial sounds, recognizing print, and identifying and forming the letters in their first and last names. The classroom is filled with labels, environmental print and writing opportunities. Pencil and paper activities, journals, and book-making materials are available. Language experiences focus on organizing ideas, broadening vocabulary, and communicating effectively. A turn bringing the “Guessing Bag” or describing a weekend with the class mascot develops speaking skills. Mathematical skills encompass number sense to 20 and beyond, rote counting to 100, numeral recognition to 20+, sequencing, patterning, seriating, all geometric shapes, non-standard units of measurement, basic coins, skip counting, even and odd numbers. Numeracy activities use concrete materials, visual organizers, and pictorial representation to lay the foundations of mathematical operations. Science/Social Studies content includes topics such as the Rainforest, Community Helpers, Pets and Vets, Our Planet Earth, and Insects. In addition to more sophisticated puzzles and manipulatives, unit studies include science experiments, dramatic play, outdoor adventures, and creative art. Learning centers provide activities that can be leveled to meet individual needs, encourage independence, and require greater focus and the ability to follow multi-step instructions. Some center activities are open ended or optional; others, particularly those that target a letter-related concept, or that assess levels of understanding or specific skill development, are required of all students. There are daily opportunities for free art, imaginative play, and exploration.

Four-year-olds are proud of their expanding vocabulary. They are encouraged to communicate with appropriate language to express ideas, feelings, and emotions; respect the rights and space of peers, accept direction, problem solve and resolve conflict with their words. They are eager to assume classroom responsibilities, such as caring for a class pet, cleaning up their workspace, using classroom materials appropriately, or carrying out a classroom job. They are responsible for completing any required centers, keeping track of their completed work and packing their backpack at the end of the day. They are expected to be self-sufficient in toileting, dressing and eating.

Learning extensions include cooking projects, special guest visits, field trips to the Magik Theatre, a Rainforest / Jungle Scavenger Hunt at the Zoo, touring the Botanical Gardens, or walking to the nearby Library.

Four-year-olds have the option of 2, 3, or 5 day a week programs.

The student to Teacher ratio is 8:2 in the Two- and Three-Day classes and 10-12:2 in the Five-Day classes.