Days of Operation
Discovery School is open Monday through Friday and follows a typical academic calendar. The School year typically begins the last week of August and continues through the third week of May. Our calendar follows area public school calendars and includes Winter and Spring Breaks and Teacher Workdays.
Pre-School hours are 9:00 to 12:00, with an optional extended day from 12:00 to 2:00. Kindergarten meets from 8:45 to 2:00 every day, and First Grade is from 8:30am to 2:30pm each day. We offer Early Care before school from 8:00 to 9:00, and Late Care from 2:00 – 3:00 every day.
Please have your children arrive at school between 8:55 and 9:05 a.m. In order for each teacher to begin her planned activities on time, your promptness is appreciated. Parents, family members, caregivers, or carpool drivers should sign each child in and indicate any special instructions for the day. Children wash hands immediately upon arrival.
Departure times are either at 12:00 (preschool), 2:00 (Kindergarten or Extended Day), 2:15 (First Grade) or 3:00 (Late Care). The teachers are responsible for the children until the parent, family member, caregiver or car-pool driver arrives. At that time, each child should be signed out, and the teacher relinquishes her responsibility to that individual.
Each family should submit a list of persons authorized to pick up their child. The School cannot release a child to anyone other than the parent/guardian without written or spoken approval from the parent/guardian. Any person other than the customary adult picking up a child, or one who is unfamiliar to the Teacher, must first be cleared by the Office staff by showing ID and being listed as authorized to pick up the child. Children will not be released to a possibly impaired adult and another authorized person will be contacted.
A zip code list is available at Parent Orientation Night to assist those who wish to form car pools. Once a car pool is formed, please submit a list of drivers to the office.
Discovery School does not transport or receive children from other forms of transportation or programs.
This part of the day sets the tone and structure of the day in the morning and provides closure at the day’s end. The children are encouraged to express themselves, relate events and learn to listen patiently to their peers. The shared group time is used for presentation of topics or activities, direct instruction, story telling, show and tell, or wrapping up the day’s events. It provides time for the children to focus on, or expand upon, a particular concept, language activity or to participate in group sharing.
Play clothes are strongly advised. Children have many hands-on experiences, and the teacher cannot be responsible for, nor guarantee, that your child’s clothing will remain unstained. Tennis shoes are requested, especially on Motor Skills days. Please, no boots
except for Western Day. Younger children should have additional diapers, pull-ups, or underwear and a change of clothing left at school.
In case of an accident, spills or sudden change of weather, there are extra underwear, clothes, socks, shoes, sweatshirts and jackets in the office.
Each child should bring a labeled backpack or tote bag to school each day. Important notices, daily work and projects will be placed in the child’s backpack for them to take home.
At the beginning of each month, a monthly calendar and Teacher newsletter will be posted on the Parent Portal. A hard copy of each will be posted on the classroom bulletin board, but Parents are responsible for downloading the calendar for reference. Special events, field trips, birthdays, share-a-snack schedule, and weekly topics are included.
Print your child’s calendar and post it in a prominent place for reference throughout the month. Also, for those teachers who have a show-and-tell time, the calendar will help your child select materials that pertain to the topics being covered. Because show-and-tell differs among teachers, please confer with them individually. A school-wide newsletter is posted at least monthly to keep families informed of All-School events and news.
A variety of extra-curricular activities are offered during Extended Day and after school hours, including gymnastics, dance, cooking, gardening, art, yoga, Musical Theater and karate. Cultural Arts activities have separate tuitions that are invoiced on the first of each month, and may include the cost of Extended Day. All Cultural Arts instructors have undergone background checks and are under the supervision of the Director.
Helpful Documents & Forms can be found here.
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